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Dydd Gwener, 5 Hydref 2012

Case study: Ylana First, MBE

Ylana First was awarded an MBE for services to the community in Tynemouth and to the Arts in North Tyneside in the Queen's Birthday Honours List 2007. Watch the video or read the transcript below in which she talks about being awarded her honour.

Ylana worked to save Tynemouth Station from ruin, and to transform it into a community and arts venue. The station building hosts markets at weekends and exhibits art in 'The Bridge'.

Video case study

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Video transcript

Ylana First, MBE

My name is Ylana First and I was awarded my honour last year. It was in June last year when I received the letter to inform me. The award was given to me for services to the community and the arts in North Tyneside.

The market started, I think it was in 1982, and it began in a very small way. I think it was once a month on just a Saturday. And gradually over the years, as you can see, they've grown and grown.

We have a farmers’ market here and I organise four book fairs here a year. I always thought of this thing, the whole project, as being an arts venue as well as a community venue, a place where lots and lots of things could happen.

Stephanie Imbeau

I'm Stephanie Imbeau and I've just finished my degree at Newcastle University, my masters degree. Ylana was at my degree show and saw my piece and decided she wanted me at The Bridge. It has a reputation of having really interesting and good shows in it and also the market, you hear about that. It’s a very attractive place to come.

I think she deserves an award - she goes above and beyond in terms of service and help and what she’s done for this place to keep this culturally significant building standing is worth a lot, and what she does for the arts and the arts in the North East is really, really significant.

Ylana First, MBE

Sometimes I forget about it entirely and other times I think well it’s very nice to be recognised for what I've done by the people I work with. And in a way, it’s an honour for them as well because I've just kind of spearheaded things and there’s everyone else around me. And it gives recognition to all the other people who stuck with the station project and really wanted it to happen.

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