Gwefan llywodraeth y DU

Nodwch fod gan y wefan hon system allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU

Gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gyd yn un lle

Trefn llywio pennaf

Dydd Iau, 4 Hydref 2012

Getting legal aid for Legal Representation

Legal Representation is a type of legal aid that helps with the costs of taking certain types of civil cases to a court or tribunal. It includes the cost of a solicitor or barrister speaking for you. Find out how Legal Representation can help you with paying your legal costs.

What is Legal Representation?

Legal Representation is a specific type of legal aid. It can help with the costs of preparing or taking your case to court or tribunal and having a solicitor or barrister speak for you.

Legal Representation is available for as long as it takes for a solicitor to continue your case. If at any point your solicitor doesn't think your case is strong enough, your legal aid might be stopped.

There are rules for whether you can get legal aid for Legal Representation depending on what sort of problem you have. You can find out more about legal aid and how to get it using the links below.

Legal Representation if you’ve been accused of a crime

If you have been accused of a crime, getting legal aid is different form getting it for a non-criminal (civil) case. If you face being questioned by the police, arrested, being charged with a crime or going to court, find out how you can get help.

What is Controlled Legal Representation?

Controlled Legal Representation includes the costs of a solicitor preparing your case and speaking for you at some tribunals. To receive Controlled Legal Representation, your solicitor must consider your case to be reasonably strong.

You will get Controlled Legal Representation if you are appealing to the First-Tier Tribunal for Mental Health in England or the Mental Health Review Tribunal in Wales.

If you are appealing to the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, you might qualify for Controlled Legal Representation. To qualify, your solicitor must think you have a strong case and you must have disposable capital (your income or savings) of £3000 or less.

Help and advice in Welsh

You can get information about dealing with your legal problems in Welsh by following the link below.

Additional links

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