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Dydd Mercher, 3 Hydref 2012

Foundation Degrees: real-life stories

Wondering whether a Foundation Degree is the right option for you? Check out these real-life stories for inspiration.

Mark Laird - Foundation Degree in Computing

A career change can be daunting, but Mark is confident of reaching his potential - with the help of a flexible Foundation Degree…

After working for 16 years in factories and as a technician, Mark wanted a change. He chose to study Computing. After starting a Higher National Certificate (HNC) course, he switched to a Foundation Degree.

Mark felt that Lancaster University’s Foundation Degree offered flexibility, real-world computing experience and the right environment for him. “The modules were up-to-date and highly applicable to future work”, he explains.

“Equally, the complete mix of students and locality of study were important considerations. Overall it was a very supportive environment, especially for more mature learners. The system was very flexible, with a choice of lectures at the beginning or end of the week - with nursery and crèche facilities for those who needed them”.

Mark’s work placement saw him developing software in a local travel agency. “It gave me far more technical knowledge than I might have gained elsewhere”, he says. The placement also gave him an understanding of customers’ needs in the real world: “I was regularly speaking and communicating with managing directors and got a really invaluable insight into business at a higher level.”

Since completing the Foundation Degree, Mark has “got the education bug”. He took a BSc at Blackburn, and now he is working towards an MSc at Lancaster: “I might go on to do a PhD: I haven’t decided” he says. “Either way, I think I stand a great chance of achieving my goal of working for an established software house.”

Sarah Mitchell – Foundation Degree in Garden Design

Sarah’s Foundation Degree led to a medal at Hampton Court: now she hopes it will give her an edge as she starts a career as an architect…

Sarah had always been interested in design. So after finishing her A levels, she enrolled on a Foundation Degree in Professional Garden Design at Bournemouth’s Arts Institute.

Her tutors encouraged Sarah to submit her ideas to the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. Attracting nearly 200,000 visitors from around the word, the show is the world’s largest annual gardening event. Sarah believes the support from her tutors was pivotal: “My tutors at were fantastic… one of them was a former medal winner at the Chelsea Flower Show, so I had lots of expert advice.”

Called the ‘Rococo Garden’, Sarah’s design captured the drama and decadence of eighteenth century France. As well as Sarah’s work, the garden incorporated a mosaic, topiary and water feature designed by a fellow Foundation Degree student.

Sarah’s efforts gained her a bronze medal – and an overwhelming sense of achievement. After finishing the Foundation Degree, Sarah went on to a BA in Architecture at Plymouth University. She is positive that the drawing and construction skills she developed on the Foundation Degree course are helping her in Architecture.

Sarah is confident that her Foundation Degree will boost her career prospects: “hoping to become an architect in a highly competitive market, I am sure that my Foundation Degree will differentiate me from other graduates”.

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