Gwefan llywodraeth y DU

Nodwch fod gan y wefan hon system allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU

Gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gyd yn un lle

Trefn llywio pennaf

Dydd Iau, 4 Hydref 2012

Other financial help for disabled people

Find out about disability-related financial help and support, including help towards health and living costs, vehicle and transport schemes and education. If you’re illness or disability is as a result of your service in the Armed Forces, you may be entitled to financial help or compensation.

Health and independent living

Direct payments - arranging your own care and services

If you have been assessed by your local council as needing care and support services, you may want to choose direct payments. They allow you to buy in and arrange help yourself instead of receiving it directly from social services.

Equipment for independent living

You may be entitled to help towards the cost of equipment to enable you to live independently in your own home, or towards the cost of getting standard home equipment adapted so that you can use it.

Personal equipment, prescriptions and hospital travel

You may be entitled to help towards health costs such as free NHS prescriptions, dental care, hospital travel costs, plus equipment such as wheelchairs and hearing aids.

Value Added Tax (VAT) relief on equipment and services

Some goods may qualify for VAT relief if the item has been designed, or adapted, solely for a disable person's use. This includes some medical appliances, certain adjustable beds and hoists and some adapted vehicles.

Services that may qualify for relief include: installation of equipment, adaptation of equipment and certain building alterations.

Independent Living Fund

Payments awarded from the Independent Living Fund help to support severely disabled people to enable them to live independently rather than in a care home. The money is for payment towards personal and domestic care.

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Allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU