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Wednesday, 5 September 2023

Bringing food and plants into the UK

There are strict rules about bringing some foodstuffs and related products, including animal hides, into European Union (EU) countries because they can carry animal and plant pests and diseases. This section explains the rules about what you can and can't bring back from your travels.

Personal food imports

If you bring food or plants back to the UK for your own use this is called a 'personal import’. Personal imports of meat or meat products and milk/dairy products are banned from most countries outside the EU.

There are also strict controls on bringing the following products into the UK:

  • potatoes
  • plants
  • fish
  • shellfish
  • honey
  • eggs and egg products
  • certain fruits and vegetables

The same rules apply whether:

  • you are bringing these food items into the UK yourself
  • a friend or a relative is bringing them as a gift
  • they are sent in the post

If you bring back banned items, or items that are over certain weight and quantity limits, all of the goods will be seized and destroyed.

Animal hides

If you wish to bring animal hides and skins (either with or without hairs/fur) into the UK, they must be tanned. There is no specific limit on the amount you can bring.

Animal hides may be used for rugs and wallhangings or to cover drums, for example. 'Tanning' is the process by which the skins are hardened using vegetable or chemical agents.

Handling untreated animal hides and skins carries a serious risk of anthrax. You can find more information on the Health Protection Agency website

Anything to declare?

Red or green channels are the areas you walk through to leave airports, international train stations and ports.

If you are unsure about any of the food products you are bringing in, speak to a UK Border Agency (UKBA) officer in the red channel or on the red point phone. If your products are illegal, the goods will be seized and destroyed but you will face no further action (like a fine or prosecution).

If you go through the green channel and UKBA Officers find undeclared items, you could face long delays, the goods will be seized and destroyed and you may be prosecuted.

Find out more

Check the rules before you travel by using the links below or by phoning the Defra Helpline on 08459 335 577. Callers from outside the UK should dial +44 (0)207 238 6951.

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