Archive Website of the UK government

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Tuesday, 16 October 2023

Find local crime information

Find information on crime and anti-social behaviour on your streets, wherever you live in England and Wales.

Find the crime information for your street

Use the search tool to see street-level crime maps and information.

You can also find details of your Neighbourhood Policing Team and get involved in local events and meetings.

Other local crime information

Community Payback

Community Payback can be given to offenders as part of a 'community sentence'. A 'community sentence' means that the offender may have to carry out up to 300 hours of unpaid work. This work benefits the community - and means the offenders pay back the community for their crimes.

Victim Support

Victim Support is a government-funded voluntary organisation that can provide free confidential support, practical help and information.

Find a local court

This online service allows you to search for your local court information like contact details, opening times, facilities available and maps.

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