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About Voluntary Work

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The voluntary work opportunities on this site are supplied to you in a partnership between Jobcentre Plus and, which is a brand name of the registered charity YouthNet UK. Most, but not all, of the opportunities are in England. is principally funded by the Home Office.

We are confident that all of the opportunities that provided by are legitimate, quality and current. However, as all of the data supplied is from third parties cannot personally vouch for any of the opportunities that you find here. If you have any problems with any of the opportunities that you find eg. the opportunity is no longer available, then please contact the voluntary agency that supplied the data. This will be shown on each individual opportunity record. If this is not successful, then please e-mail on and let them know.

If you want to find out further information on volunteering then please visit the website at There you will find useful factsheets and questions and answers which will answer many of your queries.

If you are aged between 18 and 24, and have been out of work for 6 months, you may be able to gain valuable skills and experience through voluntary opportunities as part of New Deal. Ask at your local Jobcentre for more more details.