Jobs and Skills search

Saved searches

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Saved searches

Once you have registered with My searches you will be able to save your favourite job searches.

To save a search, first carry out a job search. On the job search results page, select the 'Save this search / add email alert' link from the 'Search options' section on the right hand side. If you have not already logged in to My searches, you will be asked to do so. Then, enter a name for your saved search and select either 'Save & return to results' or 'Save & manage emails alerts'.

Once you have saved a job search, you can run that search whenever you want. Simply log in to My searches and select the 'Job searches / email alerts' link which will take you to your list of saved searches. Click on the name of the saved search that you want to run.

To delete your saved searches, select the searches that you want to remove and then click on the 'Delete selected searches' button.

You can also set up an email alert for up to three of your saved searches. This will send regular emails that will allow you to run a search for the latest vacancies matching your search criteria. It will also include links to new vacancies. To set up email alerts, select the 'Email alert' option beneath up to three of your saved searches and click on the 'Save selected email alerts' button. Please note that for emails to be sent, you will need to register an email address.

Find out more about email alerts.