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Wednesday, 5 September 2023

Energy Best Deal: online money saving advice launched

  • Published: Wednesday, 6 April 2023

A series of short films have been produced to help consumers save money on their energy bills. Created as part of the Energy Best Deal, the films cover issues such as avoiding debt and disconnection and how to deal with sales people.

Films to help you save money on energy bills

Watch the films

Watch the Energy Best Deal films to help you save money on your energy bills

The Energy Best Deal was launched in partnership between Ofgem, the UK's energy regulator, and national charity Citizens Advice.

The campaign offers energy-related advice for consumers who really need it. In particular the Energy Best Deal focuses on those who are most at risk of falling into fuel poverty, such as pensioners and those on low incomes.

Face-to-face consumer advice through the Energy Best Deal scheme has been available since 2008.

However, seven short online films have now been produced covering the scheme’s key messages:

  • shopping around for the best energy deal
  • how to be energy efficient
  • avoiding debt and disconnection
  • dealing with sales people
  • how to make a complaint
  • getting help with your energy bills
  • more money in your pocket – consumers talking about the savings they have made thanks to Energy Best Deal

To watch these films, and to find out more about the Energy Best Deal, follow the link below.

Audrey Gallacher, head of energy at Consumer Focus, the consumer champion for England, Wales, Scotland and (for postal consumers) Northern Ireland, said: "With energy just one of many rising household bills, customers will be keen to save extra pounds but may not know the best way to cut their costs.

"Switching can mean big savings, especially if a customer has never changed the energy firm they use or if they change from paying by cash, cheque or pre-pay meter to direct debit. Yet many customers can be bamboozled by the complex array of tariffs on offer. Extra advice from Ofgem and Citizens Advice on getting the best deal can help energy customers to guarantee they save money."

The Energy Best Deal campaign applies in England and Wales.

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