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If you are applying for or currently hold a large goods vehicle (LGV) driving licence or a passenger carrying vehicle (PCV) driving licence you'll have to meet a high standard of driving conduct.
The Traffic Commissioner appointed for the area in which the driver resides, deals with the conduct of all lorry, bus and minibus drivers. Any decision ie refusal, revocation or suspension of a driver's entitlement taken by a Traffic Commissioner is binding by the Secretary of State. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) will then act on the Traffic Commissioner's decision.
When applying for a licence, you must tell the DVLA if you have had any findings of guilt, fixed penalties and cautions for offences related to:
In addition, if you are applying for a PCV licence for a minibus or bus, you must tell DVLA about any other findings of guilt, fixed penalties and cautions for offences even if they are not to do with driving, for example, sex offences.
If your conduct is not considered suitable you'll be refused a licence. If you hold a licence and later commit such offences you risk having your PCV licence revoked or suspended.
In all cases of conduct, the Traffic Commissioner for the area in which you live will decide whether to grant your entitlement to drive large goods vehicles or passenger carrying vehicles. In doing so, the Traffic Commissioner will take into account all of the endorsements on your licence. They will not grant you entitlement if you are disqualified from driving. The DVLA will act on the Traffic Commissioner's decision.
Spent convictions
For further details on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act leaflet ' Wiping the Slate Clean' is available free from :
The Home Office
2 Marsham Street
Information on speed limiters, tachograph rules and other driving conduct offences can be found on the Vehicle and Operator Service Agency website.