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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Child Benefit – do you qualify?

You normally qualify for Child Benefit if you have children under 16 (or under 20 if in certain types of education or training) and you live in the UK.

Who is eligible?

You may be able to get Child Benefit if your child is:

  • aged under 16
  • over 16 but under 20 - and is in education or training that counts for Child Benefit
  • under 18 and has recently left education or training - but they must have registered for work, education or training with a careers service, Connexions, Ministry of Defence or similar

Fostering and adopting?

If you’re adopting or fostering you may be entitled to Child Benefit for your child. If you’re in the process of adopting you need to apply as soon as possible - you don’t have to wait until the process is complete.

What if your child doesn’t live with you or is away from home?

Normally, your child has to live with you if you claim Child Benefit. However, you may still qualify if your child lives with someone else, is in care or in hospital including getting medical treatment abroad.

What if you live or work abroad?

If you live or work abroad, you may still qualify for UK Child Benefit, or you might get the child allowance of the country where you live or work.

You’ve only just moved to the UK

You may be entitled to Child Benefit if you’ve just come to the UK, but if you are subject to ‘immigration control’ you may not qualify.

If your child has died

You may be entitled to Child Benefit for up to eight weeks after your child has died.

You look after a child whose parent has died

If you’re responsible for a child who has lost one or both of their parents, you may be able to claim Guardian’s Allowance as well as Child Benefit.

Still unsure?

If you're not sure whether or not you qualify, you can find out by calling the Child Benefit Helpline.

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