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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Correcting a record

Every birth, marriage and death record is a historic record of an event. But if a mistake was made on the original record, it may be possible to get it changed. Find out what you need to do.

What does a correction look like?

The original information will always be shown as it was first given, but a note will be added in the margin of the registration. This will explain what the correct information should be and the date the correction was made.

All certificates issued from that point will include the note in the margin.

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for correcting a record. However, if you would like a new certificate showing the correct details, you will need to buy one once the correction has been made.

How to apply for a correction

To apply for a correction, you should contact the registrar office or the religious building where the event was registered.

It may be that a copying error was made when the certificate was issued. If this is the case, whoever issued the certificate will normally replace it free of charge.

However, if the mistake is in the register, you will need to complete the relevant application form from the list below. The accompanying guidance leaflets will tell you where the form needs to be sent.

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