Archive Website of the UK government

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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Learning and technology contacts

Useful government bodies and support organisations

Age Concern

Contact details for Age Concern, which supports people over 50, provides day care, information, age discrimination and pensions.

Digital Unite

Contact details for Digital Unite, which provides ways to deliver IT literacy, to individuals and communities.

Help the Aged Seniorline

Contact details for Help the Aged, an organisation which provides over 50s with free advice leaflets and a welfare rights advice line.


Contact details for learndirect, which provides online courses, and information about the network of learndirect centres.


Contact details for REACH an organisation which brings together voluntary organisations and volunteers with career skills.


Contact details for RSVP, an organisation which assists over 50s to participate in their local area through volunteering.

Silver Surfers

Contact details for Silver Surfers, which provides website resources for over 50s.

UK online

Contact details for UK online, the network of centres provide access to computers, internet and email locally.

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