Podium Level - St Clare House Princes Street Greyfriars Ipswich IP1 1UT
Phone number
For enquiries about vehicles 0300 790 6802 For enquiries about driving licences 0300 790 6801
Text phone
Minicom users For enquiries about vehicles 0300 123 1279 For enquiries about driving licences 0300 123 1278
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm; 9.30 am to 5.00 pm on the second Wednesday of every month
If you have specific access requirements, please use the DVLA call ahead service 0300 790 6818 The lifts at St Clare House will be out of action from 25 May 2023 until 27 July 2012. Norwich or Chelmsford could be an alternative as both are on the ground floor with disabled access.
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