Archive Website of the UK government

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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Help assistant

Over the coming months, Directgov Motoring are introducing a number of interactive tools that will provide you with personalised answers to the most popular motoring questions. The first of these tools can be found below.

How do you obtain a replacement driving licence if yours is lost or stolen?

Find out how to get a replacement licence if you're in Great Britain or what you need to do if you are permanently or temporarily abroad.

Can you drive in Great Britain (GB) if your driving licence was issued in another country?

Check if you can drive as a resident (ie you have a permanent address in GB), visitor or student (ie in GB on a temporary basis).

Can you exchange your driving licence for one issued in Great Britain (GB)?

Find out if you can exchange your licence as a resident (ie have a permanent address in GB), visitor or student (ie in GB on a temporary basis).

Please come back soon to check the latest interactive tools available to you.

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