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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Mortgage advice - who to see and what to take

If you are worried about making your mortgage repayments or losing your home, an independent adviser can help. Find out how to contact an adviser, what they can do and what to take with you.

How an adviser can help

An adviser at a free and independent advice agency can help you:

  • put together a plan for managing your debt
  • create a budget
  • prepare to speak to your lender about making a new repayment arrangement
  • understand any letters you receive from your lender
  • find legal advice or representation, if you have a court date

Financial support you may be eligible for

The adviser will also help you explore all the options available to keep your home, including:

  • government-backed schemes, like the Mortgage Rescue scheme
  • benefits or financial support you may be eligible for, like Support for Mortgage Interest

Mortgage Rescue scheme

Ask your adviser about the Mortgage Rescue scheme. It can help if you have tried everything but still can’t pay your mortgage and your lender is taking action to repossess your home.

Support for Mortgage Interest

If you are unemployed or working fewer than 16 hours a week, ask about Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI). SMI helps you make the interest payments on your mortgage for up to two years.

Other benefits and financial support

Your adviser will also look at whether you are eligible for other support, like Council Tax Benefit or tax credits. For more information, follow the links below.

List of approved money advisers

The independent agencies listed below have been approved by the government to give advice about the Mortgage Rescue Scheme and mortgage and debt problems.

Citizens Advice Bureau

The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) can offer face-to-face advice in one of their local offices.

Consumer Credit Counselling Service

The Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) has a helpline providing free and impartial advice. Phone 0800 138 1111 or visit their website for more information.

National Debtline

In England, Scotland and Wales, you can get help over the phone from National Debtline by calling 0808 808 4000.


Payplan can offer advice over the phone for people throughout the UK. Phone 0800 280 2816 or visit their website.


In England, call 0808 800 4444 for free and independent advice on avoiding repossession. In Wales, call 0845 075 5005.

Your local council

Your local council will be able to help if you are facing repossession or homelessness. They can give you money advice and help you find alternative accommodation, if needed.

Legal advice

Contact Community Legal Advice for confidential and independent legal advice and help finding a solicitor. See the link below for their contact details.

Checklist – what to take to the adviser

The following is a list of the sort of documents you should take when you see an adviser:

  1. any court papers
  2. wage/pay slips
  3. benefit/pension award letter or book
  4. full details of your mortgage, including the account number and type and your lender’s name and address
  5. rent book/card, including details of ground rent and service charges, if you pay them
  6. bills, like Council Tax, water, fuel (eg gas and electricity), telephone (landline and mobile), satellite TV and for anything you rent, like appliances
  7. bank statements, including details of any loans or overdrafts
  8. credit card details and any letters from the credit card company
  9. details of any hire purchase loans and correspondence
  10. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and National Insurance bills
  11. details of other expenses and housekeeping costs, like travel costs and schools meals

If you speak to an adviser over the phone, have the documents on hand. If you don’t have some of the documents, or they don’t apply to you, find out what else you could bring before your appointment.

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